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Application of SMC material and DMC
Time:2020-06-04 Hits:

At present, the quality of SMC and DMC materials in China is close to or up to the world advanced level. With the development of production technology of SMC and DMC, the two kinds of molding plastics have been widely used in the fields of automobile, electric power, electrical appliances, transportation, architecture, petrochemical industry, etc.

1. Application in automobile

SMC and DMC materials are ideal materials for automobile industry to replace steel with plastics because of their low processing energy consumption, low cost, large design freedom, good molding technology, light weight and high strength, and no corrosion. At present, the main plastic parts used in automobile in our country are: bumper assembly, front body side panel, front face radiator cover, water tank cover, intake pipe, engine, tappet chamber cover plate, trunk, spare wheel compartment, oil filter cover, vent valve assembly, etc. Authorities pointed out that China's automobile industry should vigorously apply FRP parts during the Ninth Five Year Plan period. According to the current development forecast of automobile industry, the demand for SMC and DMC parts in China's automobile industry will reach more than 6000 errors in 2000.

2. Application in railway vehicles

At present, SMC and DMC are mainly used in the window frame, sanitary components, seats, tea table table, carriage wall panel and roof of railway vehicles. The Ministry of Railways has decided to adopt SMC window frames for all new passenger cars since 1986. Due to the excellent electrical insulation of SMC and DMC materials, they will be widely used in the expanding electrified railway. At present, SMC and DMC materials have been used in the traction pull rod of electrified railway and the bracket of Metro Transmission rail.

3. Application in electronic, electrical and Communication Engineering

Because the electrical insulation, specific strength, specific modulus and mold flexibility of SMC and DMC have higher requirements for electrical devices and components in terms of electrical performance, structural strength and light weight, they are ideal processing materials, so they are widely used in electrical covers, insulators, insulation operation tools, motor commutators, air switch bases and covers, high-voltage switch cabinets, arc baffles Arc extinguishing cover, printed circuit board, explosion-proof telephone shell for coal mine, electrical cable distributor, etc. In addition, in recent years, SMC and DMC have been widely used instead of SMC and DMC due to the defects of flame retardancy, tracking index and poor arc resistance of the epoxy glass cloth used in the past, which provides a good opportunity for the application of SMC and DMC. It is estimated that the DMC output of SMC in 1999 was more than 10000 tons.

4. Application in Construction Engineering

SMC and DMC have been used in the construction industry for high water tank, sanitary ware, purification tank, building formwork, etc. because of their excellent dyeing, decoration, acid and alkali resistance and low moisture absorption. These products have begun to have production scale in China, and the consumption of water tank alone is more than 400t / A.

5. Other applications

With the promotion of SMC and DMC, they are used more and more in daily life. SMC and DMC materials are mostly used to mold the seats of newly built gymnasiums, waiting rooms, conference halls, restaurants and buses in China. It is speculated that the dosage in this respect alone is also more than 200t / A. In addition, chemical anti-corrosion, ship and boat water transportation, aerospace, aviation and military equipment, sports equipment and other aspects are also widely used.

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Update Time:2021-12-07  Design:FRP

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