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welcome to the official website of CHANGZHOU?YUANDA?FRP?MATERIAL?CO.,LTD!
Service phone:+86-519-85920216
Yuanda FRP
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Yuanda Company is a harmonious family, a cultural garden advocating dedication, and a broad stage for giving full play to intelligence and wisdom. The hard work of the workers and the sweat of hard struggle have irrigated this hot land, and many replicas with Party spirit and sense of historical responsibility have adhered to this position. We all come together for a common goal, fight for a common cause, and strive for a common ideal. Here is a fertile land for training talents. Here we are united and cooperating, striving for the first place, loving and dedicated to work, bringing forth more and more talents, growing steadily and continuously. Our company has completed a number of system reforms in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise. The mechanism of talent promotion and talent appointment has initially taken shape. Talents introduction has been continuously broadened. Many young comrades have come to the fore, which has supplemented the blood, added vitality and accumulated momentum for the development of the enterprise. The enterprise presents a new situation of faster and better development.

We are deeply aware that only by continuously attracting more outstanding talents to join the company, can we seize the opportunity of development and create new brilliance. Our company welcomes young, educated, motivated and talented people to join us. The company will give policy preference in salary, working environment and so on. At the same time, we also welcome all kinds of graduates from higher vocational and technical colleges to join the enterprise, strengthen training, study technology, grow into the backbone of the enterprise as soon as possible, share the same fate with the enterprise, develop together, and embody their own value in the development of the company.

We hope that more talents will join the ranks of the compound material industry and make greater contributions to the development of the compound material industry in China.

Contact us

Telephone:+86-519-85920216 Fax:+86-519-85920216
Update Time:2021-12-07  Design:FRP

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